Narcopolitics in the Americas

March 4, 1999

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Diane Davis
Gustavo Gorriti
Peter Andreas


Peter Andreas
Co-Editor, The Illicit Global Economy and State Power; Co-Author, Drug War Politics; Academy Scholar, Weatherhead Institute for International Affairs, Harvard University

Peter Andreas
Diane Davis
Fellow, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies; Recipient, MacArthur Foundation Grant to study Mexican police relations

Gustavo Gorriti
Executive Editor, La Prensa, Panama; 1998 International Press Freedom Award, Committee To Protect Journalists

Jane Hughes
Senior Adviser, World Political Risk Forecasts, Political Risk Services, Inc.; Author, Economic Dimensions of Organized Crime in the Americas

Craig Van Note
Executive Vice President, Monitor: The Conservation, Environmental, and Animal Welfare Consortium; responsible for the tuna/cocaine expose

Sidney Zabludoff
Former Deputy Chief, Counternarcotics Operations, CIA; Special Assistant to the Director, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), Department of the Treasury

Anders S. Platou
EPIIC Colloquium