Global Crises Symposium
Thursday, March 1
Friday, March 2
Saturday, March 3
Global Crises
Symposium Detailed Schedule
The Tufts University controversial speaker policy will be in effect. Security measures will be heightened; there will be metal detects for the Saturday evening. Please be advised that backpacks will not be allowed in the auditorium.
Thursday, March 1 | UNcertain Future?
3:00pm | Sophia Gordon Hall, Talbot Avenue
Mukesh Kapila (left) and Amb William Luers |
Mark Malloch Brown, Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations; Former Chef de Cabinet, United Nations Secretary-General; Former Administrator, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); Former Chair, United Nations Development Group Former Vice President for External Affairs, World Bank; Founder and Former Editor, The Economist Development Report
- Mukesh Kapila, Former United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator and the UN Development Program Resident Representative, Sudan; Former Special Adviser, Special Representative of the Secretary General in Afghanistan and High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations; Former Member, United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination System
- William Luers, President, United Nations Association of the USA; Former US Ambassador to Czechoslovakia and Venezuela; Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and for Inter-American Affairs, US Department of State; Chairman, Advisory Board, The Center for Public Diplomacy, Annenberg School of Communications, University of Southern California
- James Traub, Contributing Writer, The New York Times Magazine; Former Staff Writer, The New Yorker; Author, The Best Intentions: Kofi Annan and the UN in the Era of American World Power
- Abiodun Williams, Director of Strategic Planning, Office of the Secretary-General, United Nations; Former Director, International Fellowships Program, Institute of International Education; Former Special Assistant, Offices of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Former Special Assistant to the Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Haiti; Former Political and Humanitarian Affairs Officer, United Nations Preventive Deployment Force (UNPREDEP), former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Thursday March 1 | The Future of Nuclear Proliferation
7:00pm | Braker Hall, Room 001
Alex Zerden, 2006-07 EPIIC
Colloquium student |
William Hartung, Director, Arms Trade Research Center and President's Fellow, World Policy Institute; Former Research Associate and Project Director, Council on Economic Priorities; Author, And Weapons for All; Co-Author, The Changing Dynamics of U.S. Defense Policy and Budgeting in the Post-Cold War Era
- Zachary Landau, Senior and Member, EPIIC Global Crises Colloquium, Institute for Global Leadership, Tufts University
- Anupam Srivastava, Director, Asia Program, Center for International Trade and Security, University of Georgia; Member, Experts Group on Export Controls, Weapons of Mass Destruction Study Group, Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific; Co-Editor, Engaging India: US Strategic Relations with the World’s Largest Democracy
- James Traub, Contributing Writer, The New York Times Magazine; Former Staff Writer, The New Yorker; Author, The Best Intentions: Kofi Annan and the UN in the Era of American World Power
- Jim Walsh, Research Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Former Executive Director, Managing the Atom Project, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; Former Visiting Scholar, Center for Global Security Research, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Author, “Iran's Nuclear Program: Motivations, Consequences, and Options”, “The Nuclear Weapons Danger”, and “Learning from Past Success: The NPT and the Future of Non-proliferation”
Friday, March 2 | Media and Conflict: Setting the Agenda
12:00pm | Braker Hall, Room 001
- Moisés Naím, Editor, Foreign Policy; Author, Illicit: How Smugglers, Traffickers and Copycats are Hijacking the Global Economy; Chairman, Group of Fifty; Former Executive Director, World Bank; Former Director of Policy Studies on Economic Reforms, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Former Minister of Trade and Industry, Venezuela
- Kate Peters, Senior Foreign News Producer, Former Baghdad bureau chief, Former Afghanistan Bureau Chief, British Broadcasting Corporation
- Jacob Silberberg, Photojournalist; Former Correspondent, Associated Press, Iraq; Fellow, International Reporting Project, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies; Finalist, Prix Bayeux for war photography; EPIIC’01
- Sara Terry, Author and Photographer, Aftermath: Bosnia's Long Road to Peace; Founder, Aftermath Project; Former Staff Writer, Christian Science Monitor; Co-Founding Reporter, Monitor Radio; Recipient, Alicia Patterson Foundation Fellowship
- James Traub, Contributing Writer, The New York Times Magazine; Former Staff Writer, The New Yorker; Author, The Best Intentions: Kofi Annan and the UN in the Era of American World Power
Friday, March 2 | Cocaine and Kalishnakovs: How Illicit Trade Fuels Conflict
2:00pm | Braker Hall, Room 001
- Sade Campbell and Anamaria Vizcaino, Seniors and Members, EPIIC Global Crises Colloquium, Institute for Global Leadership, Tufts University
- Aldo Civico, Research Associate, Center for International Conflict Resolution, Columbia University; Visiting Professor of Anthropology, New School University and William Paterson University; Consultant, United Nations Development Program; Member, “Dealing with Violence” Working Group, Club of Madrid
- Paul Kan, Assistant Professor of National Security Studies, US Army War College
- Moisés Naím, Editor, Foreign Policy; Author, Illicit: How Smugglers, Traffickers and Copycats are Hijacking the Global Economy; Chairman, Group of Fifty; Former Executive Director, World Bank; Former Director of Policy Studies on Economic Reforms, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Former Minister of Trade and Industry, Venezuela
Friday, March 2 | Forward Engagement: Global Risks and Governance
7:00pm | Cabot
Hall, ASEAN Auditorium
- Jamshed Bharucha, Provost, Tufts University
- Sherman
Teichman, Director, Institute for Global Leadership
- Presentation
to Mark Munger, Former Chair, EPIIC Executive Board
- Gena
Davis and Elizabeth Hammond, EPIIC Global Crises Colloquium
Friday, March 2 | Forward Engagement: Global Risks and Governance
7:15pm | Cabot
Hall, ASEAN Auditorium
- Shepard Forman, Director, Center on International Cooperation, New York University; Former Director, Human Rights and Governance and International Affairs Programs, Ford Foundation; Co-Editor, Good Intentions: Pledges of Aid to Countries Emerging from Conflict, Multilateralism and U.S. Foreign Policy: Ambivalent Engagement, and Promoting Reproductive Health: Investing in Health for Development
- Leon Fuerth, Former National Security Adviser to Vice President Al Gore; Research Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Forward Engagement Project, The Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University
Friday, March 2 | Democratization in the Middle East
8:00pm | Cabot Hall, ASEAN Auditorium
EPIIC students at the symposium |
Sami Alfaraj, Advisor, Secretary General, the Gulf Cooperation Council; Strategic Planner, Government of Kuwait; Author, "Bridge 21: Crossing to a New Century" (Kuwait's strategic vision for the 21st Century, or the opening to the East, "The Silk Road Strategy")
- Ethan Bronner, Deputy Foreign Editor and Former Assistant Editorial Page Editor, Education Editor and National Education Correspondent, The New York Times; Former Middle East Correspondent, The Boston Globe
- Fatemeh Haghighatjou, Former Member, Iranian Parliament;
Professor, Tehran University and Shahid Beheshti University; Former Head,
Student Psychological Consultant Center, Iran University of Science and
Technology; Fellow, Women and Public Policy Program, Harvard University
- Saad Eddin Ibrahim, a leading Egyptian pro-democracy Activist; Founder, Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies and Professor of Political Sociology, American University of Cairo; Former, Secretary General, Egyptian Independent Commission for Electoral Review; Trustee, Arab Thought Forum; Founder and Core Member, Initiative for Peace and Cooperation in the Middle East; Former Founder and Secretary-General, Arab Organization for Human Rights; Author, Bridging the Gap : Intellectuals and Decision Makers in the Arab World and The New Arab Social Order
- John Shattuck, Chief Executive Officer, John F. Kennedy Library Foundation; Former Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, US Department of State; Former U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic; Former Executive Director, Washington Office, American Civil Liberties Union; Author, Freedom on Fire: Human Rights Wars of the 90s
- Tony Smith , Jackson Professor of Political Science,
Tufts University; Author, A Pact with the Devil: Washington's Bid
for World Supremacy and the Betrayal of the American Promise and America's
Mission: The U.S. and the Global Struggle for Democracy in the 20th
Saturday, March 3 | Confronting Pandemics
9:00am | Cabot Hall, ASEAN Auditorium
- Gwyn Prins, Alliance Research Professor, London School of Economics; Founder and Former Director, Global Security Programme, University of Cambridge; Former Senior Research Fellow, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London; Visiting Senior Fellow, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom; Senior Fellow, Office of the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General of NATO; Author, The Heart of War: On Power, Conflict and Obligation in the 21st Century; Co-Author, “HIV/AIDS and Security: Fact, Fiction, and Evidence”
- Frances Townsend, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, White House; Former Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Combating Terrorism, The White House; Former Assistant Commandant for Intelligence, US Coast Guard; Former Counsel to the Attorney General for Intelligence Policy, US Department of Justice; Former Director, Office of International Affairs, Criminal Division, US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York
Saturday, March 3 | Global Environmental Crises: From Climate Change to Water Scarcity
9:30pm | Cabot Hall, ASEAN Auditorium
- Leon Fuerth, Former National Security Adviser to Vice President Al Gore; Research Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Forward Engagement Project, The Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University
- Sanjoy Hazarika, Member, India's National Security Advisory Board and the National Council of the Indian Council of Social Science Research; Consulting Editor, The Statesman; Author, Strangers of the Mist: Tales of War and Peace from India's North East, Bhopal: The Lessons of a Tragedy, and Rites of Passage; Documentary Producer, “A River's Story: The Quest for the Brahmaputra”
- David Jhirad, Vice President for Science and Research at World Resources Institute; Author, An Energy Policy for the 21st Century, U.S. Energy Policy: Accomplishments and Challenges, Energy and Environmental Policy of Australia, and Energy and Environmental Policy of Japan; Adjunct Professor of Science, Technology, and International Affairs, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University; Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Energy for International Energy Policy, Trade, and Investment, US Department of Energy; Former Senior Energy Advisor, US Agency for International Development
- Gwyn Prins, Alliance Research Professor, London School of Economics; r Founder and Former Director, Global Security Programme, University of Cambridge; Former Senior Research Fellow, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London; Visiting Senior Fellow, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom; Senior Fellow, Office of the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General of NATO; Consultant on Security, Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research of the British Meteorological Office
- Jin Zidell, Founder and Chair, Blue Planet Run Foundation; Industrialist; Philanthropist; Environmentalist; Board Member, Predator Conservation Alliance; Board Member, Earth Trust Foundation
Saturday, March 3 | Governance and International Law: From Terrorism to Transitional Justice
11:30am | Cabot Hall, ASEAN Auditorium
- Antonia Chayes, Visiting Professor of International Politics and Law, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University; Chair, Project on International Institutions and Conflict Management, Program on Negotiation, Harvard Law School; Former Vice Chair and Senior Consultant, Conflict Management Group; Former Under Secretary, US Air Force; Co-Editor, Imagine Coexistence: Restoring Humanity After Violent Conflict
- Katherine Conway, Senior and Member, EPIIC Global Crises Colloquium, Institute for Global Leadership, Tufts University
- Clare Feikert, Foreign Law Specialist, Law Library, U.S. Congress
- Richard Goldstone, Former Chief Prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda; Former Justice, Constitutional Court of South Africa; Former Chairperson, International Independent Inquiry on Kosovo; Former Co-Chairperson, International Task Force on Terrorism, International Bar Association; Co-Chairperson, Human Rights Institute, International Bar Association Former Henry Shattuck Visiting Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
- Maya Karwande, Sophomore and Member, EPIIC Global Crises Colloquium, Institute for Global Leadership, Tufts University
- Peter Roudik, Senior Foreign Law Specialist, Russian Federation, Former Soviet States, and Eastern Europe, Law Library of Congress; Former Research Scholar, University of Chicago Law School; Former Legal Advisor, Legislative Committee, Russian Parliament
- Remarks: Bryan Bachner , Assistant Director, Directorate
of Legal Research for International, Comparative, and Foreign Law (Eastern
Law Division), Law Library of Congress; Former Associate Professor,
School of Law, City University of Hong Kong
Saturday, March 3 | States of Ambiguity: Rebellion and Recognition
2:30pm | Cabot Hall, ASEAN Auditorium
- Paul Arthur, Professor of History, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland; Political Analyst, Ulster Television; Member, International Advisory Board, Project on Justice in Times of Transition; Former Consultant, Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict; Former Senior Fellow, US Institute of Peace; Author, Special Relationships: Britain, Ireland and the Northern Ireland Problem
- Matan Chorev, MALD Candidate, The Fletcher School; Co-Founder, New Initiative for Middle East Peace and Teaching Assistant, EPIIC Global Crises Colloquium, Institute for Global Leadership, Tufts University
- Michael Eddy and Adam Levy, Juniors and Members, EPIIC Global Crises Colloquium, Institute for Global Leadership, Tufts University
- Matthew Edmundson , Magna Cum Laude Graduate, Tufts University, with
Senior Honors Research on "The Political Economy of Secession Without
Recognition: The Case of Somaliland"; Research Associate, Mapendo
- Søren Jessen-Petersen, Guest Scholar, Jennings Randolph Fellowship Program, US Institute of Peace; Former Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of the UN Mission in Kosovo; Former EU Special Representative to Macedonia; Former Assistant High Commissioner, UN High Commission for Refugees
- Video Presentation: Alexandra Liveris , Senior and
Member, EPIIC Global Crises Colloquium and New Initiative for Middle
East Peace (NIMEP); Institute for Global Leadership, Tufts University
- Mohammed Ihsan, Minister for Extra-Regional Affairs, Kurdish Regional
Government, will be receiving a Dr. Jean Mayer Global Citizenship
Award in absentia, presented on behalf of the Institute
for Global Leadership by Matthew Malinowski, a member of the EPIIC
Global Crises colloquium
Saturday, March 3 | More than a Dollar Day: Alleviating Extreme Poverty
4:30pm | Cabot Hall, ASEAN Auditorium
- Jana Frey , International Rescue Committee, Kinshasa,
the Democratic Republic of Congo; Former Project Development Manager,
Sanayee Development Foundation, Afghanistan; EPIIC'99 and '02
- Abbas Bayat , Chairman and Managing Director, Sunnyland
Distribution; Former President, Tropicana Dole Beverage International,
The Seagram Group Worldwide; Owner, Royal Charles LeRoi Sporting Club,
Belgium; Member, External Advisory Board, Institute for Global Leadership
- Ricardo Hausmann, Director, Center for International Development, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; Former Chief Economist, Inter-American Development Bank; Former Minister of Planning, Venezuela; Former Board Member, Central Bank of Venezuela; Former Chair, IMF-World Bank Development Committee; Former Professor of Economics and Founder of the Center for Public Policy, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administracion (IESA), Caracas
- Kei Kawabata, Sector Manager, Sector Manager, Health, Nutrition and Population Unit, Human Development Network, World Bank; Former Executive Officer, Bureau of Special Activities, United Nations Development Program; Former Coordinator, Evidence and Information for Policy Cluster, Designing Policy Options: Financing, Resource Allocation, Regulation, and Legislation team, World Health Organization
Saturday, March 3 | Global Governance and Multinational Corporations: Changing Roles and Responsibilities
8:00pm | Cabot Hall, ASEAN Auditorium
The Multinational Corporation
panel |
Michael Chu, Senior Lecturer in the Initiative on Social Enterprise and Faculty Co-Chair of the Executive Education Program Strategic Leadership for Microfinance, Harvard Business School; Senior Partner and Founding Partner, Pegasus Capital; Former President and CEO, ACCION International
- Martin Lipton, Founding Partner, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz; Chairman, Board of Trustees, New York University; Former Counsel, New York Stock Exchange Committee on Market Structure, Governance and Ownership; Former Counsel and Member of the Committee on Corporate Accountability and Listing Standards and Former Chairman of the Legal Advisory Committee, New York Stock Exchange
- Andrew Liveris, President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman of the Board, The Dow Chemical Company; Former Head, Asia-Pacific Operations, The Dow Chemical Company; Member, Board of Directors, Citigroup; Member, Board of Trustees, Tufts University
- Mindy Lubber, President of Ceres; Director, Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR); Former Regional Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Founder and Former President and CEO, Green Century Capital Management; Former Senior Adviser and Communications Director, Governor Michael Dukakis; Former Chairwoman, Board of Directors, Massachusetts Public Interest Research Group (MASSPIRG)
- Charles Prince, Chief Executive Officer, Citigroup; Chairman, Financial Services Forum; Co-Chairman of the Partnership for New York City; Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Global Corporate and Investment Bank; Former Executive Vice President Senior Vice President and General Counsel of Commercial Credit Company
- David Puth, Former Managing Director and Head of Global
Currency and Commodities, JP Morgan Chase; Board Member, Robin Hood Foundation; Mr.
Puth will be accepting an Alumni Achievement Award, presented on behalf
of the Institute for Global Leadership by Adam Levy, a member of the
EPIIC Global Crises colloquium
- Andrew Savitz, Senior Consultant, Sustainable Business Strategies; Author, The Triple Bottom Line: How the Best Run Companies are Achieving Economic, Social and Environmental Success - and How You Can Too; Former Lead Partner, Sustainability Business Services Practice, PricewaterhouseCooper; Former General Counsel, Massachusetts Office of Environmental Affairs; Former Assistant Secretary for Environmental Law Enforcement, Massachusetts; Founder and Chair, Board of the Massachusetts League of Environmental Voters
Sunday, March 4 | The Militarization of Humanitarian Space
1:00pm | Cabot Hall, ASEAN Auditorium
- Doug Brooks, President, International Peace Operations Association; Former Academic Fellow and Research Associate, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA); Former Adjunct Faculty Member, American University
- Mervyn Frost, Professor of International Relations, Department of War Studies, Centre for International Relations, King’s College; Author, Ethics in International Relations: A Constitutive Theory and Constituting Human Rights
- Marrack Goulding, Former Under Secretary-General for Peacekeeping and Former Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, United Nations; Author, Peacemonger; Former Ambassador to Angola, United Kingdom; Warden of St Antony's College, Oxford
- Cynthia Ingols, Professor, Simmons School of Management
- Gregg Nakano, USAID Military Liaison Officer, Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance; Former Head, USAID Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART), Banda Aceh; Former Marine Infantry Officer, Gulf War
- Samantha Power, Author, “A Problem from
Hell": America and the Age of Genocide (2003 Pulitzer Prize
for general non-fiction, 2003 National Book Critics Circle Award for
general non-fiction, and the Council on Foreign Relations' Arthur Ross
Prize for the best book in U.S. foreign policy); The Anna Lindh Professor
of Practice of Global Leadership and Public Policy and Founding and
Former Executive Director of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy,
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; Co-Editor, Realizing
Human Rights: Moving from Inspiration to Impact; Ms. Power
will be accepting a Dr. Jean Mayer Global Citizenship Award, presented
on behalf of the Institute for Global Leadership by Elizabeth DeWan
and George Moore, members of the EPIIC Global Crises colloquium
- Sarah Sewall, Director, Carr Center for Human Rights
Policy, Harvard University; Former First Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Assistance, U.S. Department of Defense;
Former Senior Foreign Policy Advisor, Senate Majority Leader George J.
Sunday, March 4 | Failed States: Regional and International Implications
3:30pm | Cabot
Hall, ASEAN Auditorium
- Leila Abu Gheida, Head of Democracy and Conflict
Mitigation Team, USAID Nepal; Senior Conflict Advisor, USAID Nepal;
Former Coordinator, Casamance Reconstruction Program, USAID Senegal;
- Stephen Gonah, Senior Liaison Officer, Humanitarian
Coordination, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; Former Senior
Protection Officer, Uganda, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; Mr.
Gonah will be accepting an Alumni Achievement Award, presented on behalf
of the Institute for Global Leadership by Dhriti Bhatta and Shiri Raphaely,
members of the EPIIC Global Crises colloquium
- Jacques Paul Klein, Former Under Secretary-General, United Nations; Former Special Representative and Coordinator of United Nations Operations in Liberia; Former Special Representative and Coordinator of UN Operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina; Former Principal Deputy High Representative in the Office of the High Representative, Sarajevo; Former United Nations Transitional Administrator, Eastern Slavonia, Baranja, and Western Sirmium, Croatia; Minister-Counselor, US Foreign Service; Retired Major-General, US Air Force
- Joseph R. Núñez (Col.-US Army), Chairman, Art of War Department, Strategic Studies Institute; Company and Battalion Commander in both heavy and light divisions; Author, Fighting the Hobbesian Trinity in Colombia: A New Strategy for Peace, A 21st Century Security Architecture for the Americas: Multilateral Cooperation, Liberal Peace, and Soft Power, and “One NATO Is Not Enough”
- Gwyn Prins, Alliance Research Professor, London School of Economics; r Founder and Former Director, Global Security Programme, University of Cambridge; Former Senior Research Fellow, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London; Visiting Senior Fellow, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom; Senior Fellow, Office of the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General of NATO; Author, The Heart of War: On Power, Conflict and Obligation in the 21st Century
- Brian Williams, Terrorism Analyst, Joint Operations Intelligence Center, Special Operations Command, Lackland Air Base, Texas; Author, "The Failure of Al Qaeda Basing Projects from Soviet Afghanistan to the Sunni Triangle"; Former Terrorism Analyst, New Scotland Yard; Associate Professor of Islamic History, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth