The Arts and Identity: Authenticity and Ambiguity
| Mr. Lif |
Saturday, March 3 8:00pm
Matt Isles, EPIIC Colloquium
Performance by Hip Hop Artist Mr. Lif
Lydia Nakashima Degarrod, Artist; Scholar, Center for Latin American
Studies, University of California, Berkeley; Author, Soul Journeys: An
Ethnography of Dreams Among the Mapuche of Chile
Alexis Esquivel Bermúdez, Havana-based Artist; Member, la Unión Nacionalde Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (UNEAC); Independent Artist, Fondo
Cubano de Bienes Culturales; Visiting Fellow, Tufts University
Murray Forman, Author, "The 'Hood Comes First": Race, Space, and Place
in Rap and Hip Hop; Co-Editor, Journal of Popular Music Studies; Professor of Media Studies, Queens College
Jayne O. Ifekwunigwe, Author, Scattered Belongings: Cultural Paradoxes of "Race," Nation and Gender; Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Anthropology, University of East London, United Kingdom
Mr. Lif, Recording Artist; Recipient, 2000 Kahlua Boston Music Award for outstanding Rap/ Hip-Hop Act; "Mr. Lif Enters the Colossus"
Danzy Senna, Jenks Chair in Contemporary American Letters, College of
the Holy Cross; Author, Caucasia and "Passing"
| Lydia Degarrod, Jayne Ifekwunigwe, Murray Forman, Uyen Tang, Mr.Lif (view obstructed), and Alexis Esquivel with translator |
Moderator: Uyen Tang, EPIIC Colloquium