Some of the IGL’s most interesting and effectual endeavors arise from projects created by the eclectic array of student groups initiated within the Institute. The program summary, implemented in a standardized format for the first time in the 2007-...
Some of the IGL’s most interesting and effectual endeavors arise from projects created by the eclectic array of student groups initiated within the Institute. The program summary, implemented in a standardized format for the first time in the 2007-...
Some of the IGL’s most interesting and effectual endeavors arise from projects created by the eclectic array of student groups initiated within the Institute. The program summary, implemented in a standardized format for the first time in the 2007-...
Some of the IGL’s most interesting and effectual endeavors arise from projects created by the eclectic array of student groups initiated within the Institute. The program summary, implemented in a standardized format for the first time in the 2007-...
http://www.fundesa.org.gt/ Private sector developing organization involved in MCC process
Vicepresident Espada’s Liquidation Commission terminates COPRE activity
http://www.mcc.gov/ Main webpage of the Millennium Challenge Corporation
http://www.mcc.gov/selection/scorecards/index.php Overview of Country Scorecards, Links to Scorecards from 2004 onward.
Synaptic Scholars Blog
ASHRAF GHANI: Former Finance Minister, Afghanistan; Member, Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor, UNDP; Chairman, Institute for State Effectiveness
Special Issue on "Resilience" guest-edited by Astier M. Almedom