
The Institute for Global Leadership would like to thank Rick and Patti Wayne for their warmth, generosity, and friendship in supporting and sustaining not only this exhibition but also many other facets of Institute activity that have benefited our students and Tufts University in extraordinary ways.

We would like to thank David and Deborah Boillot, Chris and Patrice Sobecki, and Kent and Kristen Lucken, and the Merrin Family for having supported Exposure through the years.

We would like to thank all of the members of the Institute External Advisory Board for their ongoing generosity.

We would like to acknowledge the VII Photo Agency as a unique and powerful institution. We are deeply indebted to VII on so many levels, not least for their contributions to this exhibition. We were honored to gather the original members of the Agency for the First Annual VII Seminar in 2005. We look forward to a deepening and sustained relationship with VII for many years.

The Institute and Exposure have worked closely in particular with VII photographers Ron Haviv, Gary Knight, Antonin Kratochvil, Christopher Morris, James Nachtwey, and John Stanmeyer and with VII CEO Stephen Mayes.

We thank Mr. Mayes for his esteemed professionalism, keen insights, and decency throughout the complex process of creating the exhibition.

We thank Mr. Nachtwey for seeing the potential in the Institute and for understanding the power of an idea that he helped us realize in unique and incalculable ways.

We thank Mr. Knight for being a powerful mentor to our Exposure students over the years. As an individual photographer and citizen, he has created workshops, together with journalist Mort Rosenblum, to take our students to Kosovo, Argentina, Kashmir, and Cambodia.

We thank Mr. Kratochvil for inspiring our students and for his wonderful exhibition at the Tufts University Art Gallery on his book, Vanishing.

We thank Mr. Stanmeyer for trusting us, for mentoring our students in Bali, and for taking one of our students to Northern Uganda.

We thank Mr. Morris for trusting us with many of his images that we have used for EPIIC and other Institute posters.

We thank Mr. Haviv, with whom we are now collaborating on a special portfolio of his work from Haiti to support the efforts of Partners In Health.

We would also like to thank Kieran Oudshoorn of VII and Rebecca Alperstein of the James Nachtwey Studio for their invaluable assistance in collecting all of the images for this publication.

We would like to thank the Tufts University Art Gallery, specifically its Director Amy Schlegl and Preparator Doug Bell for their significant and meaningful contributions and exacting care in bringing this exhibition to fruition. We also would like to thank the exhibition installers for their careful work, James Banks, Julia Csikesz, Carolyn Grosch, Lisa S. Hillengas, and Laura McCarty.

We thank the uniquely talented Giorgio Baravalle, our design guru, not only for his eye but also for his commitment to justice in the world.

We thank Canon, which has provided much needed support for our exhibitions and provided its wonderful cameras for our students to use in workshops and research opportunities over the years.

We thank the Aftermath Project and Sara Terry, its director. We surely resonate with your tagline, “war is only half the story.”

We thank Matt Mercier, the Institute’s former Multimedia Coordinator, for teaching our students and for helping us to create the microsite for this exhibition.

We thank Wesley Hirsch, the Institute’s Multimedia Assistant, for his imaginative work, computer skills, and the “tag cloud” for this exhibition.

We would like to thank alumni Matan Chorev and Matthew Edmundson and students Samuel James and Jessica Bidgood for contributing their thinking on the challenging issues addresses in the exhibition to the audio scripts.

We would like to acknowledge and thank the students of Exposure who have realized a dream and who have met the challenges of this world head on.

We are honored to dedicate this exhibition to the memory of Alexandra Boulat, one of the original members of VII and an inspiration for many of our students.

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