Research and Engagement Supporting Poverty Elimination in Haiti (RESPE)



RESPE: Ayiti works with various communities on the Tufts campus, in the greater Boston area, in Balan, and online. The following is a list and description of our partners:

1. At Tufts University, RESPE: Ayiti draws membership and participation from the student body and faculty. The intellectual community is a great environment to expand upon research ideas and gain support for projects.

2. The Boston area is home to several groups addressing issues in Haiti, development, and other shared interests. Some of our partners include:

3. The community of Balan is one of our strongest supporters. Their input and influence is paramount in understanding the issues and collaborating to complete their goals. RESPE: Balan, our sister group based in Balan and composed of nine members from various regions and walks of life within the community, are constantly in communication with us, updating us to the situation on the ground and helping us formulate our research and projects.