Course Description | Syllabus | Colloquium Members
Lecturer: Sherman Teichman
Course: EXP 91F
T/Th, 4:00-6:00pm, Tisch 316
2001-2002 (2 semesters)
"We live in a world of unprecedented opulence, of a kind that would have been hard to imagine a century or two ago...And yet we live in a world with remarkable deprivation, destitution, and oppression."
Amartya Sen, author, Development as Freedom Nobel Prize Laureate for Economics, 2000 EPIIC's inaugural Jean Mayer Global Citizenship Award winner, 1994
If the Earth's population were conceptualized as a village of 100 people, keeping all the existing human ratios the same, 6 people would possess 60 percent of the entire world's wealth, 80 would be in substandard housing, 50 would suffer from malnutrition, 1 would be near death, 2 near birth; 70 would be unable to read , and only 1 would have a college education. (The World Paper)
- More than 1.2 billion of the world's 6 billion people live on less than US$1 dollar a day, and another 2.8 billion on less than US$2 dollars per day. The number of people living in absolute poverty is increasing by nearly 25 million a year.
- More than 25 percent of the children in the U.S. under the age of six live in poverty.
- Approximately 90 percent of HIV infections occur in developing countries.
- The wealthiest fifth of the world's people consume 86% of all goods and services, while the poorest fifth consumes one percent.
Sources: UNDP, Center for Budget and Policy Priorities; FAO, UN, UNDP, World Bank
Exploring the relationship between globalization and inequality, this course will probe the complex forces driving the integration of ideas, people and economies worldwide. This year-long inquiry into global disparities will consider the challenges of global governance, societal and economic norms, and the imperatives of economic and social justice. We will examine dilemmas of social stratification: class, race and gender; poverty; functional democracy; civil society; and competing visions of citizenship. Thinking about the relatedness of freedom, development, and sustainability, we will consider the realities of sovereignty, power and powerlessness. We will probe the complexities of growth, poverty reduction, corruption, and the roles of international organizations such as the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. We will investigate the global impact of multinational corporations and their accountability and transparency and the impact of fast track trade authority on labor and environmental concerns.
From Brazil to the U.S., from India to South Africa , from Nigeria to China, we will look at issues of education, environmental degradation, debt relief, land distribution, resource allocation, extractive industries, labor practices and standards, the new slavery, genomics, intellectual property and patenting, and the political economy of civil wars...
Of special concern throughout will be the development of human security strategies to reduce inequalities and address marginalization and disenfranchised populations.
This global disparity lies at the heart of EPIIC's 2001-02 inquiry. Working with Professor Sen and many others from the UNDP to Transparency International, from John Hancock to USAID, this year-long effort will be a discourse on global integration, global societal and economic norms, world governance, and social justice. We will examine the dilemmas of social stratification, class, race, gender, poverty, functional democracy, civil society, and competing visions of citizenship.
Informed by the theoretical debates over distributive justice and social choice theory and the thinking about the relatedness of freedom, development, underdevelopment and sustainability, we will consider the realities of sovereignty, power and powerlessness. We will probe the complexities and incongruities of international trade and investment policies and the post Seattle/Quebec City/ Bangkok WTO, including international financial flows and the roles of the IMF and World Bank; multinational corporations and concerns with accountability and transparency; the impact of fast track-trade authority on labor and environmental concerns; global health care; genomics; intellectual property and patenting; the digital divide; and corruption and transnational crime.
Among the global issues under scrutiny from Brazil to the U.S., from India to South Africa, will be environmental degradation; debt forgiveness; land distribution and other resource allocation; sweatshops, labor practices and standards; disparities in investment in education; disposable people, the new slavery in the global economy; and the vulnerability of the world's children. Under specific investigation will be the social construction and processes of marginalization, disenfranchisement and the effects of globalization that have reinforced, and perhaps even expanded, the division between the world's rich and poor.
As the preparatory class for EPIIC's annual international symposium, the colloquium offers the unique opportunity of fusing serious academic coursework with the planning and enactment of the symposium, simulations, professional workshops, and special events. EPIIC enables students to produce tangible, intellectual products such as CD-Roms and the opportunity to mentor high school students in Inquiry. EPIIC's approach affords students both a broad, multidisciplinary survey of an expansive topic and opportunities for in-depth, independent research.
Throughout the two-semester course, students are exposed to diverse perspectives, regularly discoursing with authors of required readings and other eminent thinkers and practitioners. Students also can utilize EPIIC as a platform to pursue senior honors theses and to conduct original field research. Over the last few years, students have traveled to Australia, Bosnia, Chiapas, China, Costa Rica, Egypt, France, The Hague, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Jerusalem, Lebanon, Nepal, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, South Africa, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates.
Thursday, September 13
Terrorism & Global Inequities
Extractive Industries & Global Equity
Peter Rosenblum
Director, Human Rights Program, Harvard Law School, Harvard University
- "The Dirt in the New Machine," Blaine Harden, New York Times Magazine, August 12, 2001, pages 35-39
- "A Message From The Global South," Saskia Sassen
- "Rational Fanatics," Ehud Sprinzak, Foreign Policy
- "The New Geography of Conflict," Michael T. Klare, Foreign Affairs, May/June 2001, pages 49-61
- New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era, Mary Kaldor, pages 69-152
- "Reluctant Missionaries," Marina Ottaway, Foreign Policy, July/August 2001, pages 44-54
- "Keeping Up With the Revolution," Peter Rosenblum, Harvard Law School Human Rights Program, pages 19-26
- "An Army of One's Own," Elizabeth Rubin, Harper's Magazine/ February 1997
Tuesday, September 18
Rosh HaShana -- No formal class for those celebrating
David Turner -- FIPSE Evaluation Session
Thursday, September 20
Hafsat Abiola
Director, Kudirat Initiative for Democracy. Nigeria; Executive Board YES - Youth Employment Summit
- "Prisoners of Geography," Ricardo Hausmann, Foreign Policy, January/February 2001, p.45-53
- "Informal Value Transfer System," Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek --en Documentatiecentrum website, http://www.minjust.nl:8080/b_organ/wodc/summaries/ond1999-4s.htm
- Illusions of Power: Nigeria in Transition, Julius O. Ihonvbere and Timothy Shaw, Chapter 10-"Nigeria and the Future: Early 1990s to 2000 and Beyond" and Chapter 9-"Shell, the Military and the Ogoni Crisis"
Friday-Sunday, September 21- 23
Varieties of Justice and Dilemmas of Inequality Outward Bound,
Hurricane Island Outward Bound School
- Justice as Fairness: A Restatement, John Rawls, ed. Erin Kelly, pp1-79
- "The Enduring Significance of John Rawls," Martha Nussbaum, Chronicle Review, July 20, 2001
- "Rawls on International Justice," Thomas W. Pogge, The Philosophical Quarterly, April 2001
- "Critical Notice of John Rawls The Law of Peoples," Kok-Chor Tan, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, March 2001
- After Politics: The Rejection of Politics in Contemporary Liberal Philosophy, Glen Newey, pp 1 14, 159-186
- Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Robert Nozick, pp 26-53, 149-182
- "Moral Relativism," Gilbert Harman, in Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity, Gilbert Harman and Judith Jarvis Thomson, pp 20-31
- "Famine, Affluence, and Morality," Peter Singer, Philosophy and Public Affairs, Spring 1972, pp 229-243
- "The Singer Solution to World Poverty A contentious ethicist explains why your taste for foie gras is starving children," Peter Singer, New York Times Magazine, September 5, 1999
- "Equity in a Global Public Goods Framework," J. Mohan Rao Case Studies: Equity and Justice
- "Distributive Justice as an International Public Good: A Historical Perspective," Ethan B. Kapstein in Case Studies: Equity and Justice
- "Global Justice: Beyond International Equity," Amartya Sen in Case Studies: Equity and Justice
- "Harrison Bergeron", Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Welcome to the Monkey House
Tuesday, September 25
Thinking About Globalization
Paul Joseph
Professor of Sociology, Director Peace & Justice Studies Program, Tufts University
- Inequality, Globalisation, and World Politics, Andrew Hurrell & Ngaire Woods, pages 1-332
- Globalization: The Reader, John Benyon and David Dunkerley, eds., pages 1-38.
- Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, and Culture, Held, McGrew, Goldblatt, and Perraton, editors, pages 1-31, 77-86, 149-282, 414-452
- "Part 6: The New Global Economy," Jeffrey Sachs, Dani Rodrik, Roger Altman, and Lester C. Thurow, in Globalization and the Challenges of a New Century: A Reader, O'Meara, Mehlinger and Krain, editors, pages 215-252
- "Preparing for the 21st Century: Winners and Losers," Paul Kennedy, in Globalization and the Challenges of a New Century: A Reader, O'Meara, Mehlinger and Krain, editors, pages 323-374
- "Measuring Globalization," www.foreignpolicy.com, pages 1-6
- "Pakistan's Islamic Colleges Provide the Taliban's Spiritual Fire," Daniel Del Castillo in The Chronicle of Higher Education, September 28, 2001
Thursday September 27
No Class-- Yom Kippur
Makeup TBA
Tuesday, October 2
First In-Class Examination
Thursday, October 4
- The End of Globalization: Lessons From the Great Depression, Harold James, pp. 1-30, 200-224
- "Globalisation's children strike back," Financial Times, September 11,2001
- "Harrison Bergeron", Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Welcome to the Monkey House
Thursday, October 11th
Heeten Kalan and Ravi Dixit
- "Citizenship Challenges for South Africa's Young Democracy" by Mamphela Ramphele in Daedalus, Winter 2001 (Why South Africa Matters)
- "Can South Africa Avoid a Malthusian Positive Check?" by Charles Simkins in Daedalus, Winter 2001
- "AIDS: Losing "The New Struggle"' by Virginia van der Vliet in Daedalus Winter 2001
- "Education and Democracy in South Africa Today" by Kader Asmal and Wilmont James in Daedalus Winter 2001
- "Two Nations? Race and Economic Inequality in South Africa" by Nicoli Nattrass and Jeremy Seekings in Daedalus Winter 2001
- "Economic Scenarios for South Africa: A Business Perspective" by Leslie Boyd, Michael Spicer, and Gavin Keeton in Daedalus Winter 2001
- "Minerals ad Migrants: How the Mining Industry has Shaped South Africa" by Francis Wilson in Daedalus Winter 2001
- "Who We Are" and SAEPEJ Activity Report
- "Apartheid and the Environment: Polluting the Poor" by Heeten Kalan, Toward Freedom, Dec. 1993
- "Apartheid's Environmental Toll" by Alan B. Durning, Worldwatch Institute
Tuesday, October 16th
Peter Uvin
Director of the Institute on Human Security and Professor of Humanitarian Studies, The Fletcher School
- "Global Dreams and Local Anger: From Structural to Acute Violence in a Globalizing World" by Peter Uvin
- Selections from Aiding Violence: Development Enterprise in Rwanda by Peter Uvin
12:00-3:00pm, Wright Center 267C
World Hunger Day
Special Program (optional)
- "Globalization: The Answer or the Problem" by the US National Committee for World Food Day
Thursday, October 18
- Durable Inequality by Charles Tilly
- Freedom and Development by Amartya Sen Reprise
- Selection from The End of Globalization by Harold James
- "Globalization's Children Strike Back" by James Harding
- "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut Jr Daedalus Winter 2001
Saturday, October 20
Jeffrey Ballinger
- "Strategic Public Relations, Sweatshops, and the Making of a Global Movement", B.J. Bullert, The Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy Working Paper Series. #2000-14
- "Hitting the Wall: Nike and International Labor Practices", Harvard Business School January 19, 2000, N1-700-047
- "Taking On the Global Market Machine: Time to Gear for a Revolution in Worker Rights", Jeffrey Ballinger, Brown Economic Review, Spring 1999
- Nike in Indonesia, Volume 1, No. 2, February 1995
- Nike in Indonesia, Volume 1, No. 3, May 1995
- "How the Military Enforces Global Capitalism: Nike's Armies", Jeff Ballinger, The Nonviolent Activist, July August 2000
- "Old Policies of Repression Linger", Jeff Ballinger and Deborah Sklar, The Los Angeles Times, Friday August 7, 1998.
- "The Financial Page The Most Devastating Retailer in the World", James Surowiecki, The New Yorker, September 16, 2000
- "Tracking Nike's Footprints Across Asia", Jardine Fleming Research Regional Manufacturing Sector, April 9 1997
- "Realizing Labor Standards How transparency, competition, and sanctions could improve working conditions worldwide.", Archon Fung, Dara O'Rourke, and Charles Sabel, Boston Review, February/March 2001
- A Step Up for Workers? Eight responses to "Realizing Labor Standards.", Robin Broad and Pranab Bardhan, Boston Review, February/March 2001
- "Two Cheers for Sweatshops They're dirty and dangerous. They're also a major reason why Asia is back on track.", Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, The New York Times Magazine, September 24, 2000
- "Nike's profits jump on the backs of Asian Workers", Jeff Ballinger, Harpers Magazine/ August 1992
- "Open letter to Nike: From Nike Website" From Nike Website on Friday September 10, 1999 printed October 10, 2001 from http://www.web.net/-msn/3nike13.htm
- "Labor Rights", Jeff Ballinger, Third World Traveler, printed October 15, 2001 from http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Labor/Labor_Rights_Ballinger.html
- "A Code of Conduct Needed for Code of Conduct Monitors", Robert A. Senser, Human Rights for Workers Bulletin, Volume II, No. 12: July 21, 1997, printed October 15, 2001 from http://www.senser.com/btwelve.htm
- "Nike and Freedom of Association: An Opportunity Not to be Wasted", Campaign for Labor Rights Labor Alerts, posted May 21, 1999 on the Campaign for Labor Rights Page, printed October 15, 2001 from http://www.summersault.com/~agi/cir/alerts/nikeopportunitynottobewasted....
- "Nike Does It to Vietnam", Jeff Ballinger, Multinational Monitor, March 1997 Volume 18, Number 3 printed October 15, 2001 from http://www.essential.org/monitor/hyper/mm0397.07.html
- "New Report on Nike", Labornet Newsline, posted November 9, 1999 , printed October 15, 2001 from http://www.labornet.org/news/111499/03.html
- "Nike's Response to Clean Clothes Campaign", Dusty Kidd, October 5, 1999 printed on October 15, 2001 from http://nikebiz.com/labor/cleancl_let.shtml
- "Labor Pains", Foreign Policy, September/October 2002
- "These Firms Make Nothing", Edmund Lee, The Straits Times, March 24, 1999
- "Nike to Improve Minimum Monthly Wage Package for Indonesian Workers, Company VP Tells Portland City Club Audience", Nike Press Release dated March 19, 1999, Printed from http://www.nikebiz.com/media/n_wage.shtml
- "Nike Board of Directors and CEO Philip H. Knight Create Corporate Responsibility Committee", Nike Press Release dated September 10, 1999, Printed from http://www.nikebiz.com/media/n_crboard.shtml
- "Global Business Leaders Discuss Social Responsibility Obligations", Nike Press Release dated November 17, 1998, Printed from http://www.nikebiz.com/media/n_socialoblig.shtml
- "Dismissal of Keady Against Nike Affirmed", Nike Press Release dated October 2, 2001, Printed from http://www.nikebiz.com/media/n_diskeady.shtml
Tuesday, November 6
john a. powell
- "United States-Style Globalization as the Newest Expression of Racial Subordination: International and International Evidence", john a. powell, Paper presented at the International Council on Human Rights Policy, Geneva Switzerland, January 24-25, 2001
- "Whites Will Be Whites: The Failure to Interrogate Racial Privilege", john a. powell, University of San Francisco Law Review, Volume 34, Spring 2000
Tuesday, November 13
- Preface and Introduction, Amartya Sen, Inequality Reexamined, 1992, pp. viii-xiv, 2-11
- "International Development: Is It Possible?", Joseph E. Stiglitz, Foreign Policy, pp. 138-151
- "International Economics: Unlocking the Mysteries of Globalization", Jeffrey Sachs, Foreign Policy, Spring 1998, pp. 97-111
- "International Organizations and the Pursuit of Justice in the World Economy", Steven Weber, Ethics and International Affairs, volume 14, 2000, pp.99-117
- "Globalization, Justice, and International Organizations: A Commentary", Mark W. Zacher, Ethics and International Affairs, volume 14, 2000, pp.119-123
- "Racial Justice: The Superficial Morality of Colour-Blindness, Glenn Loury, The International Council on Human Rights Policy Seminar on Racism, Geneva, November 24-25, 2001
Thursday, November 15
- Bridging the Digital Divide: Placing People at the Center, Equal Access Case Study: Speech delivered by Ronni Goldfarb, Executive Director, Equal Access, June 14, 2001 at the United Nations Association of Greater Boston Conference "Reaching Across the Digital Divide", for more information on Equal Access visit www.equalaccess.org
- "HIV/AIDS Prevention and Women and Girls Empowerment Equal Access and the United Nations Development Programme: Asia-Pacific, UNDP Project Briefing
- "Taking Technology Investment to Africa", Denise Caruso, The New York Times, October 11, 1999
- "Digital Technology, Digital Satellite, Digital Receivers, Digital Information Initiative- A UNDP / Equal Access Public Private Partnership Serving the Information Poor Through ICT", UNDP Digital Information Initiative, pp. 1-12, for more information visit Equal Access at www.equalaccess.org and the UNDP at www.hivasiapacific.apdip.net/.
Friday, November 16
- "Chapter 8: From Wall Street to Main Street: Economic Policy for the Twenty-first Century", Barry Bluestone and Bennett Harrison, Growing Prosperity, 2000
- "Chapter 1: Growth with Equity", Barry Bluestone and Bennett Harrison, Growing Prosperity, 2000
Thursday, November 29
- "Treating the roots of terrorism", Jonathan Moore, The Boston Globe, Saturday, September 29, 2001
Tuesday, December 4
- "Trade and the Developing World: A New Agenda", Joseph Stiglitz, Current History, November 1999
- "The Invention of Development", Arturo Escobar, Current History, November 1999
- "Exploring the Flaws in the Notion of the 'Root Causes' of Terror", Edward Rothstein, The New York Times, November 17, 2001
- "Global Rich-Poor Divide to Widen, Says World Bank", Jim Lobe, OneWorld.net, printed from http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/oneworld/20011031/wl/global_rich-poor_divid... on November 6, 2001
- "The International Economy Power Tree", International Economy, March/April 2000
- "Debt Relief", William Easterly, Foreign Policy, November/December 2001
- "The Future of the International Financial Structure" A Report by a Council on Foreign Relations Task Force, Foreign Affairs, Volume 78, No. 6
- "Environmental Stress and Human Security in Northern Pakistan", Richard A. Matthew, Environmental Change and Security Project Report, Summer 2000
- "The Invention of Development", Arturo Escobar, Current History, November 1999
- "Debt Relief", William Easterly, Foreign Policy, Nov/Dec, 2001
Thursday, December 6
- "Global Public Goods: Concepts, Policies and Strategies", Inge Kaul et al, from Global Public Goods, Inge Kaul et al (eds.)
- "Knowledge as a Global Public Good", Joseph E. Stiglitz, from Global Public Goods, Inge Kaul et al (eds.)
- "Apartheid's Environmental Toll" by Alan B. Durning, Worldwatch Institute
- "Commentaries: The U.S. National Intelligence Council's Global trends 2015: Excerpts, Commentaries, and Response", Eugene J. Carroll, Jr. et al., Environmental Change and Security Project Report, Summer 2001
- "Too Many Flags?", Juan Enriquez, Foreign Policy, Issue 116 Fall 1999
- "Montreal versus Kyoto: International Cooperation and the Global Environment", Scott Barrett, from Global Public Goods, Inge Kaul et al (eds.)
Miscellaneous Fall Semester Readings
- Excerpts from "The Population Implosion", Nicholas Eberstadt, ECSP Report, Issue 7
- "Property Wrongs", Heather Bourbeau, Foreign Policy, Nov/Dec 2001
- "Ethnicity, Gender Relations, and Multiculturalism", Nira Yuval Davis
- "The Other Evil", Strobe Talbott, Foreign Policy, Nov/Dec 2001
- "From Wall Street to Main Street: Economic Policy for the Twenty-first Century", Barry Bluestone, from Growing Prosperity
- "Growth with Equity", Barry Bluestone, from Growing Prosperity
- "Will Globalization Go Bankrupt?", Michael Pettis, Foreign Policy, September/October 2001
- "Who's Minding the Bank?", Stephen Fidler, Foreign Policy, September/October 2001
- "Armed Conflict and Hunger", Ellen Messer, Marc J. Cohen and Jashinta D'Costa, printed from http://www.worldhunger.org/articles/fall2000/messer1.htm
- "The Taliban: Exporting Extremism", Ahmed Rashid, Foreign Affairs, November/ December 1999, Volume 78, Number 6
- "Homeland Defense", Michael E. O'Hanlon, Defense Policy Choices for the Bush Administration 2001-2005
Spring Semester Readings
- "Pegged for Failure? Argentina's Crisis", James E. Mahon, Jr. and Javier Corrales, Current History, February 2002
- "How to judge Globalism", Amartya Sen, The American Prospect, Special Supplement, Winter 2002
- "Medicine as a Luxury", Merrill Goozner, The American Prospect, Special Supplement, Winter 2002
- "The Mirage of Progress", Mark Weisbrot, The American Prospect, Special Supplement, Winter 2002
- "Free Markets and Poverty", Christian E. Weller and Adam Hersh, The American Prospect, Special Supplement, Winter 2002
- "Globalism's Discontents", Joseph E. Stiglitz, The American Prospect, Special Supplement, Winter 2002
- "A Deal Built on Sand", Jeff Faux, The American Prospect, Special Supplement, Winter 2002
- "Justice for Refugees", William F. Schulz, The American Prospect, Special Supplement, Winter 2002
- "Starved for Attention", Susan Sechler, The American Prospect, Special Supplement, Winter 2002
- "The Costs of Orthodoxy", Mark Alan Healey and Ernesto Seman, The American Prospect, Special Supplement, Winter 2002
- "A Politics of Denial", Sasha Polakow-Suransky, The American Prospect, Special Supplement, Winter 2002
- "Making Globalization Work for the Have-Nots: The Decade Ahead", P.J. Simmons, Forthcoming, in Nicholas Kittrie, Rodrigo Carazo-Odio and James Mancham, Eds., The Seeds of True Peace: Responding to the Discontents of a Global Community
- "Economic Policy, Distribution and Poverty: The Nature of Disagreements", Ravi Kanbur, Rome, January 19, 2001
- "A perfect crime: inequality in the age of globalization", James K. Galbraith, Daedalus, Winter 2002
- "Inequality in the Era of Globalization", James K. Galbraith
- Women and Human Development, Martha C. Nussbaum, pp. x-xxi and 1-33
- "Sex, laws, and inequality: what India can teach the United States", Martha C. Nussbaum, Daedalus, Winter 2002
- "Testimony of James K. Galbraith, Professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin, Senior Scholar, Jerome Levy Economics Institute and Director, The University of Texas Inequality Project, before the Advisory Commission on the International Financial Institutions, Washington D.C., January 4, 2000
- Women and Human Development, Martha C. Nussbaum, pp. 34-166 and 298-303
- "Roy Vagelos Attacks River Blindness", Michael Useem, The Leadership Moment, pp. 10-42
- "India's Plague", Michael Specter, The New Yorker, December 17, 2001
- "Anthrax, Drug Transnationals and TRIPS: Profits before public health", Kavaljit Singh, Z Magazine, December 2001
- "March Madness", The New Republic, May 1, 2001
- "Drug Companies have lowered the price of drugs to treat AIDS in Africa. The world has embraced the cause. Now what?", John Donnelly, The Boston Sunday Globe, April 1, 1001
Sam Abrams Mr. Abrams is a freshman who comes to Tufts from upstate New York. Mr. Abrams is currently studying engineering. Since his arrival at Tufts, he has become interested in pursuing research on multinational corporations. Mr. Abrams is also considering studying liberal arts exclusively.
Alice Alisme
Ms. Alisme is an alumna of Somerville High School and currently a first year student at Tufts University. She loves cooking and playing soccer. When she finished high school she was considering majoring in agriculture but as Tufts does not offer an agriculture major she is reconsidering her course of study.
Fiorella Aller Ms. Aller is a senior, majoring in international relations under the thematic cluster of Global Conflict, Cooperation and Justice. She was born in Lima, Peru but was raised in New York. She is trilingual speaking Spanish, English, and French. Ms. Aller has been working with the United Nation Development Program, Office of Development Studies as a consultant in her field, for the past 3 years. She has been able to submerse herself in the exchange of ideas and resolutions in various UN and UNDP conferences. At Tufts, she is currently the Senior Class Co-Marshall and has been recognized as a Senior Class Leader. She has been nominated as a member of the Senior Class Leadership Corps. Her career goals are to pursue a masters degree in International Relations (specifically in the area of Conflict Resolution) and earn a degree in International Law. She hopes to continue her career with the United Nations next summer at its headquarters in Geneva.
Lana Asfour
Ms. Asfour is a 20 year old junior double majoring in economics and international relations. She is Palestinian but attended high school in the United Arab Emirates. She speaks Arabic, English and French. Her academic interests include economic development, politics of the Middle East and Francophone literature. She has been interning at Solomon Smith Barney since February of 2001. Her work there entails research report analysis, developing financial plans for clients and marketing retirement plans for companies. At Tufts, she is active in the Arab Students Association and is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. She would eventually like to pursue graduate studies at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Her hobbies include reading, writing, playing tennis, swimming and traveling.
Amy Baron Ms. Baron is a senior with a major in biology and minor in child development. During a semester aboard, she studied Spanish, comparative ecology, and rural education in Ecuador which led to a greater interest in pursuing studies of social justice and environmental issues on both a global and local level. Her past experience in these areas include environmental education and land stewardship work at environmental NGOs such as the Nature Conservancy and the Peconic Land Trust, as well as volunteering with the Latin America Action Program to educate Boston's community on issues affecting the region and immigrant populations. At Tufts, Amy is involved with campus activist groups and is a manager of the non-profit Oxfam Café.
Shaharris Beh
Mr. Beh is of Malay, Chinese, Turkish, and Burmese descent. He is a first-year undergraduate student interested in political science, economics, and international relations. He was born and raised in Malaysia but moved to Canada when he was eight. He returned to Malaysia seven years later, spending his final two years of high school in an international school. He volunteered regularly at a local daycare center for mentally and physically handicapped children, and worked on the planning committees of the Habitat For Humanity chapter and the school's Who Cares? charity organization. He can juggle and likes penguins.
Nicole Bores Ms. Bores is a senior double majoring in Sustainable Development and Environmental Studies with a minor in Africa and the New World. She spent last year studying in Ecuador and Uganda, and is currently working on her senior thesis dealing with the role of outsiders in development. Her activities include her post as treasurer of the Leonard Carmichael Society, a campus community service organization, and an internship with Grassroots International. She has volunteered in many parts of the world with several groups, she did dolphin research in Spain, she studied pesticide use research in Costa Rica, and worked with Habitat for Humanity in Botswana.
Robby Borton Mr. Borton is a junior, expecting to major in either international relations or political science. He is interested in international issues of justice, sustainable development, and the environment especially pertaining to American foreign policy. He has participated in community building and environmental programs in Nicaragua and has worked with ESL students in the Boston Area through the SCALE program. He likes to do outdoor activities- backpacking, sailing, biking, and a wide variety of sports. He would like to pursue a career in international politics or in an international NGO relating to his aforementioned interests.
Neil Blumenthal Mr. Blumenthal is a senior and a double major in international relations and history. He spent last year aboard studying in Buenos Aires first semester and Madrid second semester. He is proficient in Spanish. Some of his most recent experiences include an internship in labor law at an Argentinean law firm, an internship in Health, Education, Labor and Pension (H.E.L.P.) at Senator Kennedy's office and an internship with a leading information technology consulting firm. On-campus, he is a member of the Senior Class Leadership Corps and Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity. His immediate-future career ambitions involve long-term strategic planning for the United Nations.
Alexander Busse
Mr. Busse is currently a sophomore at Tufts University majoring in international relations. He was born in Johannesburg, South Africa and lived there for 6 years until moving to Geneva, Switzerland for 3 years whilst leaning French. Subsequently he moved to Bonn, Germany where he graduated from a German school and attended his military service in Cologne. In Germany he played on the German National Baseball Team for 4 years and participated in many competitive international tournaments in American and Europe. Over the years he still has remained close contact with South Africa as he still has family in Cape Town he visits yearly. He is looking to conduct first hand research on a development project in Soweto over Thanksgiving break this year. As he is learning Spanish now he would like to spend his next summer in South America and go abroad to Spain during his Junior year. His career plans are to get involved in development planning of underdeveloped countries through a multinational institution.
Kate Davenport Ms. Davenport is a senior at Tufts University with a major in history and a minor in child development. She was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia. She has four half brothers and sisters ages 13, 12, 11, and 10. During the fall of her senior year in high school, she studied abroad in Beijing and traveled throughout China and Vietnam. It was a life altering experience for her that initiated her interest in globalization, inequity, international relations, and human rights. Raised as a Quaker, she spent the past 5 years working at a Quaker camp that espouses the beliefs of non-violence, cooperation, and acceptance. Her Quaker upbringing has influenced many of her activities. Last year she spent her spring semester in Harare, Zimbabwe living with a Shona family and spent time traveling in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Mozambique and Kenya. Her experiences have altered her world-view and increased her desire to study globalization, inequality and human rights. She looks forward to attending law school, studying international human rights and continuing to work in the field, understanding and participating in the world around her.
Jana Frey
Ms. Frey is a senior majoring in sociology with a minor in Russian. She enjoys living in different places and hence spent two years in England, one year in Russia, seven months in Tanzania and 7 months in Morocco and is now spending her third year in the United States, as she is originally from Germany. In all these places, but particularly Russia, Tanzania and Morocco, she did various kinds of voluntary work with children. She has taught English and German, and run a variety of afternoon activities- ranging from arts and crafts projects to sports to drama to environmental issues- for children in orphanages, after-school programs, social clubs, and summer camps. Throughout her travels she has acquired a kind of understanding of the many inter-cultural misunderstanding that often occur. Ms. Frey is fluent in English and German, and can communicate well in French and Russian. Currently, she is interning at the American Anti-Slavery Group in Boston where she is coordinating outreach.
John-Paul Ghobrial Mr. Ghobrial is a member of the class of 2002 with a double major in international relations and French. Last summer, he served as a Charles G. Koch Fellow with the Institute for Humane Studies, a public policy organization affiliated with the CATO Institute. There, he carried out research on the effects of labor and environmental provisions in the text of the Jordan Free Trade Agreement. He also interned with Defenders of Property Rights, the only public interest legal foundation dedicated exclusively to the protection of private property rights in the United States. After graduation, J.P. intends to pursue graduate studies, completing both a law degree (JD) and an advanced doctoral degree in Modern Middle Eastern Studies. He is primarily interested in the way in which the singularity of Arab culture may influence international politics and economic development in the region. Particularly, he will focus on the way in which Arab governments have balanced attempts to liberalize their economies and become party to human rights treaties within the constraints of Muslim political thought. Ultimately, he would like to work within the framework of international law to develop a lasting peace and a foundation for economic prosperity within the Arab region.
Beth Ginsberg
Ms. Ginsberg is a senior majoring in sociology and minoring in peace and justice studies. She has worked with Physicians for Human Rights on the United States Campaign to Ban Landmines ("USCBL"), projects involving student awareness and website development. She organized a protest demonstration at Tufts for the USCBL in December 2000 and she also volunteers at Shortstop, Inc., a children's homeless shelter in Somerville, Massachusetts. Ms. Ginsberg spent last semester in Australia studying at the University of New South Wales in Sydney and traveled thought Australia, New Zealand, and Thailand. She spends her summers as a camp counselor at a summer camp team and has competed nationally in freestyle skiing since age 14. Her future plans involve working in the non-governmental sector and pursuing interests in sustainable development, community organizing, and human rights.
Joseph Gulezian Mr. Gulezian is currently a freshman. He was born in Chicago and raised in Oak Park , Illinois. He is undecided about a possible major though he is leaning towards international relations. He spent last summer reading , writing, working and living in Shakespeare and Co., a bookstore in the heart of Paris' Latin Quarter, and he likes apples. (see figure 1.1)
Grace Hollister
Ms. Hollister is a senior majoring in international relations and French. She spent her junior year studying in Paris, concentrating on French literature, French art history, and political science. She also interned in the communication department of the Paris office of the consulting firm Bain and Company. She was able to travel extensively throughout Europe during her time there, and her next initiative involves studying the role of women in politics and development in Africa, where she hopes to travel for research purposes.
Gina Jibrin Ms. Jibrin is a junior creating a plan of study in Health and Human Rights, with a minor in Arabic. She's of Nigerian and Indian decent, having grown up in Nigeria. She is knowledgeable in Spanish, French, Hausa, Malayalam, and Arabic. She is studying the correlations between Public Health, Human Rights, and Global Inequalities with a minor in Arabic. She devised a method for correlating El Niño Sea Surface Temperature with Disease (Dengue Fever) in San Juan, Puerto Rico; she has also done work related to climate variability with the Indian Monsoons. She's carried out research related to malaria and onchocerciasis in Plateau State, Nigeria. Last summer, Gina directed the Mission Hill Summer Program (MHSP)--an summer urban program working with 90 "at-risk" youth, ages 6-13. Most of the youth with whom she worked lived in comprised communities challenged by low-income levels, high crime rates, drug and alcohol abuse, single-parent households, and a general lack and fragmentation of social and educational services. She's been working in Mission Hill for the past two years, and hopes to continue to mobilize the healthy development and empowerment of the youth and families within the Mission Hill and Alice Taylor housing developments. In her free time she loves people-watching, eating, taking long walks, and playing soccer.
Lauren Katz
Ms. Katz is a junior majoring in international relations and peace and justice studies. She spent her junior year in high school studying in Israel and speaks Hebrew. Lauren spent last summer in Rome interning at the National Italian American Foundation. At Tufts, she is in the Traveling Treasure Trunk -- the University's children's theater group, and completed her first triathlon this summer in Boston. Her interests lie primarily in gender inequality and public health.
Caroline Kelly Ms. Kelly is a senior at Tufts University majoring in political science and participating in the Community Health Program. She was born and raised in the suburbs and rural areas of upstate New York, outside of Albany. Her interest in international politics and world events has been heightened over the past two years as she studied various international organizations in Geneva and interned in the British Parliament for a member of the House of Commons. Currently, Caroline is particularly interested in issues surrounding the provisions of AIDS treatment in Sub-Saharan Africa. After graduation she hopes to join the Peace Corps and to alter pursue a Master of Public Health degree.
Anna Kordunskaya
Ms. Kordunskaya is a first-year student with an undeclared major in international relations. Having moved to USA from Moscow four years ago, she is fluent in both English and Russian and greatly interested in the history of Eastern Europe, especially in the political and social reverberations of the breakdown of the Soviet Union and the current position of Russia on the world stage. In the future, she is planning to spend a semester in Moscow, as well as to participate in Tufts in Tubingen program to study abroad in Germany. She is also interested in the world literature and arts, and is an avid member of the Tufts Ballroom Dance Team. Following her graduation, she plans to move back to Moscow to pursue a career in international relations and to represent her country in the struggle for greater equality in the world.
Kelly Morrison Ms. Morrison is a senior studying international relations and sociology. Last spring she studied abroad in Paris and speaks fluent French. She currently works with Oxfam America and is interested in issues of human rights and equality. This winter Ms Morrison would like to travel to Senegal to do research on the role of women in grassroots development as hopes to work in this field after graduate school.
Anne O'Loughlin
Ms. O'Loughlin is a senior pursuing a dual degree in history and Spanish. Fluent in Spanish and proficient in Italian, she spent most of last year in Europe, where she studied art, literature, and culture in Venice, Italy and Madrid, Spain. She spent the summer in a mall, rural Spanish village teaching small children English. Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, Ms. O'Loughlin sings with the Tufts University Chorale, as well as volunteers for the Animal Aid and ESL programs of the Leonard Carmichael Society and for the New England Aquarium. She also plays classical piano, is an avid scuba diver, and all-around adventure-seeker. Her post-graduate interests lie in pursuing research of indigenous peoples in Central and South America, and eventually obtaining a degree in International Human Rights Law.
Graziella Reis-Trani Ms. Reis-Trani is a junior pursuing a major in international relations with a focus on global conflict, cooperation and justice. She is fluent in Portuguese and proficient in Spanish. While at Tufts she has served as the Vice President of the International Club, where among other things she was responsible for setting up a culture show that incorporated all the different culture clubs on campus. She has also been a host advisor for International Orientation. Her professional experience includes working with the Quaker United Nations Office where she worked on indigenous issues as well as water related issues. After graduation, she plans to pursue further education and a career in international relations.
Sophie Sahaf Ms. Sahaf is a senior double majoring in international relations and Spanish. She recently spent a semester studying abroad in Santiago, Chile. She is fluent in English and Spanish, and proficient in Kashmiri. In Chile, she interned with Amnesty International, working on the campaigning and public relations committees. She worked with members to organize conferences and recruit university students. She also visited squatter settlements to compile data and work with female groups in their organization and mobilization. Sophia is also actively involved with the Kashmiri American Council (KAC,) which aims to create a peaceful resolution to the conflict in the Jammu and Kashmir state of India. She also enjoys traveling, reading, and baking.
Natica Smith
Ms. Smith is a junior who majors in computer science and minors in political science. She is of Nigerian descent and has lived in several states in the U.S as well as in Nigeria. She is fluent in French and proficient in Anang/Ibibio. She is interested in civil rights of minorities, including women. While living in Nashville, Tennessee, she served as the Vice President of the Akwa Ibom Youth Association, an association for all young Nigerians in the Middle Tennessee region who came from Akwa Ibom State in southeastern Nigeria. As Vice President, she helped organize events for the youth promoted unity among them to enable them to serve in the adult sector of the Akwa Ibom association, which is a nationwide association. Her work experience has included interning at the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C where she worked for the Deputy Director of the Science and Human Rights Department collecting meta-data on records of human rights offenses in El Salvador and Kosovo. She currently remains employed as a programming consultant for AAAS doing simple data munging tasks and relational database implementation and analysis for Patrick Ball. Her interests include dancing - she dances and choreographs for Tufts Dance Collective and has performed with Spirit of Color. Other athletic interests include cross-country and track. Ms. Smith plans on attending law school and was a member of the Tufts Mock Trial Team during the year they won 2 trials at the regional competition held at Yale University. She hopes to pursue a career in government and/or in a non-governmental organization abroad as well as an initial career in software development in Perl with Linux.
Pon Souvannaseng Ms. Souvannaseng is currently an undeclared freshman interested in possibly double majoring in history and political science. She deeply enjoys writing, film, and live music in her free time. Currently, she is learning to play the guitar and experiments with web design. A California girl at heart, she is of Chinese descent, but is Thai influenced. She is a member of the concert board and the Tufts Democrats, and is interested in becoming involved with the Democratic National Party. In the past, Ms Souvannaseng has spent her time working with the internet company Helpcity.com to bring about community awareness and development through the use of a web-based medium. She spent the past summer interning in the consumer credit and lending department for East West Bank and assisted in coaching a speech and debate program for high school teens. She studied classical piano and music theory for over eight years, and likes animals. In the future, Ms. Souvannaseng would like to earn a law degree.
Jordi Timerman
Ms. Timerman was born in New York to Argentine parents, and has lived in Buenos Aires for the past twelve years. Currently she is a freshman. She is, as of now, undecided about a major; she is considering history, political science, international relations, or peace and justice studies. Over the past few years she has developed a strong interest in pursuing a journalistic career, although she is by no means convinced that this is the path she will pursue. In following with that she was an active participant in her high school newspaper, she was the editor during her senior year, as well as interning with the Buenos Aires Herald (the largest English-speaking newspaper in Argentina) last summer. At Tufts she is writing for the Tufts Daily and also volunteering at the Oxfam Cafe.
Christie Turner Ms. Turner is a senior majoring in international relations. She is a writing fellow at Tufts and works on the monthly poetry magazine, Optimus Prime. She spent last year in England and hopes to spend next year in Chile. Ultimately, she would like to work for an international organization or continue her studies and work in the academic world. She spent a lot of her free time writing poetry, prose, and fiction and has also done a lot of studio art- she is currently working on developing her photography skills. Ms Turner is from New Hampshire, where she would almost always rather be, she has a brother who is her best friend, and a thirteen and a half year old Scottish Terrier.
Elaine Wang Ms. Wang is completing her double major in international relations and art history at Tufts after returning from a year aboard at the University of Bologna in Italy. Born and raised in Connecticut, Ms. Wang attended boarding school in Exeter, New Hampshire. Currently, she resides in San Francisco bay area where this summer she worked as an intern in the marketing department of United Commercial Bank; an institution that facilitates the financial sector for new immigrants to the area. Ms. Wang has previously interned at Christie's New York in the 19th century and Impressionist arts department and at EY Laboratories --a producer of one of the components of HIV tests in San Mateo, CA. She also spent a semester working with Congresswoman Nancy Johnson (CT-6) on Capitol Hill. She is fluent in both English and Italian with Mandarin, Shanghainese and Cantonese and French comprehension. Ms. Wang has been a student of the piano, violin, and the harp for numerous years and was a former pole-vaulter with both the Exeter and Tufts varsity track teams. Next year, she plans to begin working towards her JD degree.
Shaun Young Mr. Young is in his second year at Tufts University and is pursuing a major in Political Science with a concentration in political philosophy, and a minor in English. Originally, he is from the Bay Area where he attended San Francisco University High School. In the past, he has organized student access to Speaker Series, been published in poetry anthologies, and has played basketball for Tufts. He is particularly interested in multicultural and biracial issues, the fusion of hip hop and jazz, and antique typewriters. Currently, he is planning to visit Johannesburg, South Africa to witness firsthand the applicability of Hernando de Soto's theories on property rights of informal settlers. *colloquium members not featured Jamie Carlson, Yianna Della Tolla , Julian Feldman, Dan Handel, Douglass Hansen, Belinda Jacobus, Dina Karam, Jared Levant, Sara Standish, and Amanda Watson