Syllabus and Lecturer Audio Files
September 13, 2012: Anne Goldfeld
Anne Goldfeld is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, a Senior Investigator at the Immune Disease Institute, Associate Professor of Immunology and Infectious Disease at the Harvard School of Public Health, and a member of the Infectious Disease Division at Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston. Work in her laboratory at the Immune Disease Institute focuses on basic gene regulation and on new understanding of how the immune system responds to tuberculosis and AIDS. Her lab has discovered basic mechanisms of cell type- and inducer-specific gene regulation using the TNF gene and HIV as model systems and genes and described new T cell responses associated with TB susceptibility and latency. As the co-founder of the Cambodian Health Committee and the Global Health Committee, she has helped pioneer new models of TB and AIDS care and access to treatment while integrating basic research approaches to improve care and to discover new approaches and therapies.
Anne Goldfeld Speaks to EPIIC Global Health by tuftsigl
September 18, 2012: Dr. Jeffrey Griffiths
Dr. Jeffrey Griffiths from the Tufts University School of Medicine speaks with the EPIIC 2012-13 class. Dr. Griffiths gave a presentation titled, " Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health: Improving the Lives of the Global Poor."
EPIIC Global Health: Jeffrey Griffiths by tuftsigl
Tuesday, September 25
Part 1: Resilience (discussion of Resilience book)
Part 2: The New Species: Health Implications
Guest Lecturer: Juan EnriquezJuan Enriquez is a Managing Director of Excel Venture Management and a leading authority on the economic impact of life sciences on business and society and a respected business leader and entrepreneur. He represents Excel on the boards of Shape Up the Nation, Activate Networks, Fina Technologies,, and Synthetic Genomics. Prior to Excel, Juan was the founding Director of the Harvard Business School's Life Sciences Project, with many of his innovative thoughts captured in his bestselling book, As The Future Catches You, which provided an accurate blueprint of how a bio-based economy changes industries and corporations. His most recent publication is an eBook, Homo Evolutis: A Short Tour of our New Species, which describes a world where humans increasingly shape their environment, themselves, and other species. Following HBS, Juan became an active angel investor and founder of Biotechonomy Ventures which invested in BioTrove, Xcellerex, and Synthetic Genomics, a company he co founded with Drs. J. Craig Venter and Hamilton Smith to apply life sciences to energy markets. As a business leader, advisor, and renowned speaker, Juan works directly with the CEOs of a number of Fortune Fifty companies, as well as various heads of state, on how to adapt to a world where the dominant language is shifting from the digital towards the language of life.
EPIIC Global Health: Juan Enriquez by tuftsigl
• Homo Evolutis: Please Meet the Next Human Species by Juan Enriquez and Steve Gullans (kindle book)
Thursday, September 27
Guest Lecturer: Alex de WaalAlex de Waal is executive director of the World Peace Foundation and a research professor at Tufts University. From 2009 to 2011 he served as senior advisor to the African Union High Level Implementation Panel for Sudan. He was also program director at the Social Science Research Council, with responsibilities for research programs on humanitarian issues and HIV/AIDS and social transformation. His academic research has focused on issues of famine, conflict and human rights in Africa. He was awarded an OBE in the UK New Year’s Honors List of 2009, was on the Prospect/Foreign Policy list of 100 public intellectuals in 2008 and the Atlantic Monthly list of 27 ‘brave thinkers’ in 2009.
EPIIC Global Health: Alex De Waal by tuftsigl
• AIDS and Power: Why There Is No Political Crisis—Yet by Alex de Waal, chapters 3 and 6
• “Human Rights and AIDS: The Future of the Pandemic” by Jonathan Mann from Health and Human Rights, Jonathan Mann et al (eds)
Friday, September 28-Sunday, September 30
Weekend Immersion
Guest Lecturer: Ezra Barzilay
Ezra Barzilay is the Lead Epidemiologist in the Health Systems Reconstruction Office at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and a Commander in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. Previously, he was the Team Lead of the National Surveillance Team and the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS) in the Enteric Diseases Epidemiology Branch at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He also served as the Deputy Incident Manager for Haiti Cholera Response for the CDC. Dr Barzilay received his Bachelor’s and Medical degrees from Tufts University, in Boston, MA. He completed a residency in pediatrics at Emory University School of Medicine and then joined the Epidemic Intelligence Service corps at CDC to train in infectious disease epidemiology. He is board-certified in pediatrics and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the Emory University School of Medicine. Fluent in seven languages, Dr Barzilay’s field experience includes international public health interventions, foodborne outbreak investigations, and serving as a trainer and expert consultant for the World Health Organization.
• The Coming Plague by Laurie Garrett (all)
• “And the Band Played On” by Randy Shilts (excerpts)
• “As Earth Warms Up, Tropical Viruses Move to Italy,” New York Times, December 23, 2007
• “Science for Policymakers: Understanding Infectious Disease Surveillance: Its Uses, Sources, and Limitations,” by Tara Kirk Sell, Journal of Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice and Science, 2010
• “From Population to Vital System,” by Andrew Lakoff, 2007 Working Paper, Anthropology of the Contemporary Research Collaboratory
• “Concocting Viral Apocalypse: Catastrophic Risk and the Production of Bio(in)security,” by Lisa Keranen, Western Journal of Communication, October-December 2011
Tuesday, October 2 and Thursday, October 4
PTSD, Mental Health and Conflict
Guest Lecturer: Kamal Ahmed and Justine Hardy
Justine Hardy has been a journalist for twenty-four years, many of those spent covering South Asia. She is the author of six books on the region. After the earthquake in Kashmir in October 2005, Hardy worked with a local NGO in Kashmir rebuilding homes, schools, and medical centers in some of the worst affected areas, as well as moving into conflict mediation. Having completed her training in conflict trauma therapy, she founded Healing Kashmir in 2008, an integrated mental health project addressing the debilitating mental health situation in the region.
EPIIC Global Health: Kamal Ahmad and Justine Hardy by tuftsigl
• What is is Like To Go to War by Karl Marlantes
• Malignant Sadness: The Anatomy of Depression by Lewis Wolpert
• In the Valley of the Mist—Kashmir: One Family in a Changing World, Justine Hardy
Tuesday, October 9
No Class – Monday’s Schedule
Thursday, October 11
Second Exam
Tuesday, October 16
Guest Lecturer: David Gute
Tuesday, October 16
Evening Debate on Healthcare
Saturday, October 20
Field trip to Grafton Campus, Cummings Veterinary School: Conference on Zoonosis
Tuesday, October 23
Guest Lecturer: Daniel Holmberg and Refuge Point
Thursday, October 25
Thursday, November 1
Guest Lecturer: Tufts GIS Department
Tuesday, November 26
Global Health and Climate Change
Guest Lecturer: Peter Walker
Rosenberg Professor of Nutrition and Human Security, Director of the Feinstein International Center since September 2002 and active in development and disaster response since 1979, Peter has worked for a number of British-based NGOs and environmental organizations in several African countries, as well as having been a university lecturer and director of a food wholesaling company. Peter joined the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Geneva in 1990 where he was Director of Disaster Policy for 10 years before moving to Bangkok as Head of the Federation’s regional programs for Southeast Asia. He has traveled extensively in the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, and has published widely on subjects as diverse as the development of indigenous knowledge and famine early warning systems, to the role of military forces in disaster relief. Peter was the founder and manager of the World Disasters Report and played a key role in initiating and developing both the Code of Conduct for disaster workers and the Sphere humanitarian standards.
• Humanitarian Negotiations Revealed The MSF Experience, rest of book
• “Governor or Governors of Humanitarianism?”, Michael Barnett and Peter Walker
• "National Security and the Threat of Climate Change" CNA Corporation (2007)
• "Human Security: A Framework for Assessment in Conflict and Transition"< Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies Jennifer Leaning and Sam Arie (September 2001) - with Annex: "Lessons for Policy in Crisis and Transition."
• "Managing the health effects of climate change"< Costello et al. (2009) Lancet 373: 1693-733. University College London Institute for Global Health Commission
• "Climate change and the global malaria recession"<> Gething et al. (May 2010) Nature Vol. 465
• "Editorial: Global Health Diplomacy"< V. Adams, T. E. Novotny, and H. Leslie (2008) Medical Anthropology 27(4):315-323.
• Chapter 6: "Better Health for Human Security"< (pp.95-112) of final report (2002) of the Commission on Human Security, UN OCHA.
• "Health and Human Security: Pointing a Way Forward."< Lincoln Chen and Vasant Narasimhan (May 2002) Paper presented to the UN OCHA Commission on Human Security (Co-chaired by Amartya Sen and Sadako Ogata).
Thursday, November 28
"Sexual Violence, HIV/AIDS and (in)Security"
Jennifer Klot
Jennifer F. Klot, Senior Advisor, directs the Social Science Research Council initiatives on Gender, Security and HIV/AIDS. In this capacity, she also gender provides policy, evaluation and program support to multilateral agencies, foundations, governments and NGOs. She is a founding board member of the International Centre for Gender, Peace and Security based in Nairobi Kenya and, at the Council, leads a portfolio of activities on sexual violence and HIV/AIDS. As an advisor to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, she drafted the UNAIDS and DPKO (2011) non-paper on The Responsibility of the Security Council in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security: HIV/AIDS and International Peacekeeping Operations. She was also team leader on gender and research capacity strengthening for the Justice and Security Research Program, a consortium based at the London School of Economics.
Jennifer co-edited HIV/AIDS, Gender, Human Security and Violence in Southern Africa; The Fourth Wave: Violence, Gender, Culture & HIV in the 21st Century (UNESCO, 2009), co-authored the Report of the AIDS, Security and Conflict Initiative (SSRC and Clingendael, 2009) and wrote the first background paper for the Peacebuilding Commission on Gender and Peacebuilding. Jennifer is a member of a Scientific Committee of the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (l’ANRS), a member of the Peer Review Group on Gender equality and Statebuilding of the OECD International Network on Conflict and Fragility, and an editorial board member of Security Dialogue. She is also an Advisory Group Member of Humanity in Action.
Prior to joining the Council, Jennifer was Senior Advisor on Governance, Peace and Security at the United Nations Development Fund for Women (now UN Women) where she directed the Independent Expert Assessment on Women, Peace and Security lead by Elisabeth Rehn and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and co-authored Graça Machel’s book on The Impact of Armed Conflict on Children (Hurst, 2001). Between 1994-2000, she served as a Policy Advisor on peace and security at the United Nations Children's Fund and directed the two year program of research and mobilization that produced the United Nations Report on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children, chaired by Graça Machel.
•HIV/AIDS, Security and Conflict: New Realities, New Responses; AIDS, Security and Conflict Initiative (ASCI), Alex de Waal and Jennifer Klot et al, Social Science Research Council, 2010
• "Sexual Violence, Genito-Anal Injury and HIV: Priorities, for Research Policy, and Practice, by Jennifer Klot et al, GreenTree White Paper (not for circulation yet)
• Sexual Violence and HIV Transmission: Summary Proceedings of a Scientific Research Planning Meeting, American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 2012
• The Physiology of Sexual Violence, Genito-anal Injury and HIV: Opportunities for Improving Risk Estimation, Jennifer Klot, American Journal of Reproductive Immunology