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![]() Fueling the Superpowers panel |
Hossein Askari
Professor of Iran International Business and Professor of International Affairs, The George Washington University; Author, Economic Development in the Countries of the GCC: The Curse and Blessing of Oil, Saudi Arabia: Oil and the Search for Economic Development, and Oil Exporting Countries of the Middle East: What Happened to Economic Development? (forthcoming); former Special Adviser, Minister of Finance, Saudi Arabia; former Adviser, Executive Board, International Monetary Fund
Jack Blum
Attorney; Senior Counsel, Special Projects, Finance Sector Compliance Advisers, Ltd; former Consultant, United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations; former Special Counsel, Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, where he was involved in a number of well known investigations including BCCI, and Lockheed Aircrafts overseas bribes
Leon Fuerth
Research Professor of International Affairs, Elliot School of International Affairs, George Washington University; former National Security Adviser, Vice President Al Gore, where, among other initiatives, he led efforts to develop the International Space Station with the Russians and other partners; to denuclearize former Soviet states by providing alternative energy sources and employment opportunities for nuclear scientists; and to win China's cooperation in protecting the environment and reducing pollution
![]() Hossein Askari |
Michael Klare
Author, Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict and Blood and Oil: The Dangers and Consequences of America's Growing Dependency on Imported Petroleum
Theresa Sabonis-Helf
Professor of National Security Strategy, National War College, focusing on oil and energy strategy; former Energy and Environment Policy Advisor, Harvard Institute for International Development, Kazakhstan
Travis Tanner
Deputy Director and Assistant Director of Chinese Studies, The Nixon Center; former Research Assistant, Institute for International Economics; Author, "The Oil that Troubles U.S.-China Waters"
Alexander Duncan and Sajid Pothiawala
EPIIC Colloquium