Environment and Economics: Costs, Incentives and Institutions

March 7, 1992

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Dr. Jason Clay
Anthropologist; Director of Research and Marketing, Cultural Survival; Editor, Cultural Survival Quarterly; Author, Indigenous People and Tropical Forests

Dr. Neva Goodwin
Director, Program for the Study of Sustainable Change and Development

Dr. Morris Miller
Former Executive Director, The World Bank; Author, Debt and Environment: Converging Crisis


Dr. N.C. Saxena
Research Fellow, Oxford University, England; Co-Author, To Hands of the Poor: Water and Trees; Consultant on forestry and rural development in India, The World Bank

Dr. Michael Unger
Chief Financial Economist, Bureau for Private Enterprise, U.S. Aid, U.S. Department of State

Dr. David Wheeler
Research Economist, Environment Department, World Bank


Dr. Neva Goodwin


Ms. Maria Elena Marquez, EPIIC