| Sherman Teichman directs a question to Sami al-Faraj who appeared at the symposium via telephone hook-up. |
11:30am Iraq, Where Are We?
Saturday, March 1
Sami al-Faraj (Fletcher'87, EPIIC), via phone hook-up
President, Kuwait Center for Strategic Studies; attorney; author, "A Legal and a Documentary Introduction to the Study of Iraqi War Crimes against the State of Kuwait," "Common Ground on Iraq-Kuwait Reconciliation," and "Iraqi Strategic Thinking, 1979-1999: A Kuwaiti Perspective"
 | Michael Glennon |
Michael Glennon
Professor of International Law, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University; author, Limits of Law, Prerogatives of Power: Interventionism after Kosovo; coauthor, United States Foreign Relations and National Security Law, 2nd edition; former Legal Counsel, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee; former consultant on use of force, U.S. Department of State
 | Jim Walsh |
Jim Walsh
Executive director, Managing the Atom Project and research fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; former visiting scholar, Center for Global Security Research, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Robina Bhasin '03 and Zachary Braiker '03 , EPIIC Colloquium Members