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Global Inequities
An International Symposium

Transnational Corporations, Capitalism, and Development
Sunday, March 3

Jack Blum, Former Senior Investigator, U.S. Senate (where he was the principal investigator of the B.C.C.I. scandal, General Noriega's drug trafficking, and Lockheed overseas bribes, among other cases); Partner, Lobel, Novins and Lamont

Nikos Passas, Professor, Temple University Law School; Author, Global Anomie, Dysnomie, and Economic Crime: Hidden Consequences of Neoliberalism and Globalization in Russia and around the World; Editor, It's Legal But It Ain't Right: Highly Capitalized Anti-Social Activities, from EPIIC's 1999 workshop

Alison Sander, Globalization Topic Leader, The Boston Consulting Group, Boston

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