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Global Crime, Corruption, and Accountability
An International Symposium

Symposium Welcome and Introduction

Sherman Teichman
Founding Director, EPIIC

Stephan Antoniewicz and Shea T. O'Neil
EPIIC Colloquium

Recognition Awards
Kristen Cibelli and Wei Jingsheng
Introduction of Mr. Wei:
Kristen L. Cibelli
EPIIC Colloquium

Wei Jingsheng
Chinese Dissident and Human Rights Activist; Author, The Courage to Stand Alone; Author, "The Fifth Modernization", China's Democracy Wall

Bidiak Amana and Hafsat Abiola
Introduction of Ms. Abiola
Bidiak Amana
African Political, Social, and Cultural Association

Hafsat Abiola
Human rights and democracy activist, Nigeria; Founder and Director, Kudirat Initiative for Democracy; Co-Founder and President, International African Students Association


Crime and Corruption in East Asia

Media: The Challenges of Crime, Corruption, and Accountability

Voices from the Field: The Human Face of Crime and Corruption

Welcome and Recognition Awards

Dr. Jean Mayer Global Citizenship Award and Address

State Crimes and Accountability: Are Truth and Reconciliaton Compatible?

image map

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